Thursday, March 18, 2010

My Bucket List

I created a writing prompt for my 9th graders last week where they had to make a list of at least 5 things they wanted to do in their lives, essentially a Bucket List, and then tell me about why. So, in the spirit of the Beloved Dr. Rod Brewer, who never fails to complete the assignments he gives his students right along with them, I wrote mine as well.

1. Learn to knit
I've tried to learn to knit before, but it was at a time in my life when I really didn't have any use for it, nor the patience, and my efforts were not exactly genuine. Needless to say, my success reflected that. I believe that throwing needles was involved, and I'm not sure if it was my decision or the decision of those close to me at that moment, but my efforts did not continue. When I first came to Harding, the knitting phenomenon was beginning to explode. Girls were doing it everywhere: in chapel, in class, in the caf, on the front-lawn. I've even seen people do it in church. I love to create things like that, and I quickly became jealous of this sweet, creative knowledge. However, all the other activities I chose to pursue interfered with my ability to learn -- that and the fact that I never made any real effort to actually try again. When my friend, Ellen, who learned to knit many moons ago, decided to pick it up again, I got really excited. She's agreed to teach me how one day, hopefully soon, so that I can knit cute things for my friends, fam, and all those precious little babies I love so much.

2. Go white-water rafting
This desire sprung up in my heart this past summer. It was a long, and difficult summer for my family, with the loss of my grandmother. However, it was also a significant learning and growing time for me. I learned a lot about myself and my capabilities. I also learned a lot about God's will for me and what I want to do in my life. After returning from a mission trip in Belize and almost immediately leaving for another in North Carolina, my spirits were high. I was confident I had done good work for the Lord in Central America, and I was ready to take on anything. When we drove through Eastern Tennessee and the beauty of that breathtaking country, and then saw all the people white-water rafting a little further one, I knew immediately that I wanted to try it. I was somehow fearless for the first time in my life, and I still really want to experience what must be an amazing and thrilling adventure.

3. Mission work in Africa
I can't really pinpoint exactly when I began to yearn for those hearts and souls on that great continent, but I can tell you that it has not quieted down. I want to go there and spend weeks just holding babies. I have several friends who have had the opportunity to participate in Harding's HIZ program in Zambia and they bring back pictures and stories of all of these children who are orphaned and have chronic illnesses. They long for someone to just touch them and hold them. My heart aches for them. I hope and pray that God will bless me with babies of my own someday, but if he doesn't, don't be surprised to see me in an African village holding as many as will fit in my lap at a time. I really believe that that yearning is a God-calling, and I hope and pray for the opportunity to fulfill it one day.

4. Go to culinary school
In the 8th grade, when we all had to take that test whose name I can't remember that was supposed to tell us what we should/would be when we grew up, my results read "Chef." I thought that was the silliest thing in the world at the time. Now, part of me wishes I had listened. I love food. I love creating things. I love watching my friends and family enjoy things I have cooked and created. It's such a joy for me to plan a party and/or a meal for people that I love. I would love to go to Culinary school just so I'll know how to make whatever I want. I wouldn't necessarily want to work in a restaurant, but if the opportunity presents itself....I'm definitely not closing any doors on my future at this point.

5. Get married
I've got to have somebody to love me and help me out with #6.

6. Have lots of babies
I've got to have at least 4 at this point because that's how many names I've picked out. I'd really love to have a whole house full. But definitely less than 100. And none of them will be named E.T.

7. Travel Europe
There are so many places I've heard so much about that I really need to see.

8. Visit New Zealand, so I can see where the Hobbits live
Wouldn't it be cool to live in a Hobbit hole? I love the coziness of a hobbit dwelling with its round doors and windows and the warm fire, plus the neverending supply of food. I wish I was as content with my life as they all seem to be.

9. Write and publish a book
I've had a special relationship with words for as long as I can remember, but because I've also had self-esteem issues for nearly as long, I never felt like I was capable of actually writing a book. The idea has occurred to me several times over the last few years, but still, I was certain I just couldn't do it. Until this past Christmas, when my mom said something about it completely out of the blue. She got me a new journal for Christmas and said that she loved to see me writing and that she always assumed I'd write a book one day. She had never ever said anything like that to me ever before. But apparently she had been expecting it to happen for my whole life. And that little vote of confidence was all I needed. One day, I'll do it. As soon as I decide what in the world to write about.

10. Inspire at least one student to pursue a career in Literature or Language
It has been my experience in college that people are constantly asking why we want to be whatever it is we've chosen to become. I can't tell you how many times I've had to write or discuss why I want to be an English teacher. Most often, the majority of my English major friends have chosen this path because they had an exceptional teacher cross their path that really made a difference in their lives. That is not the case for me. I had lots of teachers that I really loved. But I never had a phenomenal English teacher in all of my K-12 education. For a literature and language lover, that is nearly a tragedy. I could very easily have been driven away from my loves by all of the mediocre instructors from my youth. But I chose a different route. I decided that I was going to become an English teacher because I love English, I love kids, and because I never had anyone work to inspire me, believe in me, or encourage me to explore my abilities. I want to do all of those things for my students. And I hope that my work will pay off and that one day before I retire at least one of my former students will be pursuing a degree and career in a field involving Literature or Language. I will, of course, assume that I was all the inspiration he/she needed.


  1. I will teach you how to knit! :-)

  2. OK, so I just finished reading the whole thing. Hailey Marie Pruitt, I love you! I love your heart and that we have so many interests in common. I pray God's absolute richest blessings on your as you seek Him and cross things off your list.

    You will definitely inspire at least one person; my guess is that you will inspire many, many more.

  3. This list is fantastic, and so are you!

    Why didn't I think of this first?
    Sheesh... I need to step up my game. :)

    P.S. I know you will do all these things and many more. You make the world a better place just by being in it--I mean that!
